In an effort to provide our students the experiences to support their growth toward academic excellence, MCNC is providing Chromebooks to each of our 5th-8th grade students and iPads to each of our 9-12 students. It is the student’s responsibility to care for his/her Chromebook or iPad as well as bringing it to school every day with a fully charged battery. This equipment is, and at all times remains, the property of MCNC Local Schools. Here is more information regarding the Middle School Chromebook 1:1 protection plan:
5 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Local School District
Any high school student interested in meeting with Mrs. Niese to discuss their schedule are able to drop in to her office between 9am-3pm on Monday August 12 and Wednesday August 14. Thanks!
5 months ago, Miller City - New Cleveland Local School District
Miller City Cross Country Spirit Pack 2024 is now open!. There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends. Check out the shop details below. OUR SHOP DETAILS - Shop Now: - Store Open From: August 1 - August 8, 2024
5 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
This is a reminder that Fall Sports pictures are tomorrow morning beginning at 7:30 AM. If it is raining, we will take the pictures in the gym. Soccer players may NOT wear their cleats in the school or gym. Please bring running shoes.
5 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
This year’s Open House will take place on Thursday, August 15 from 6:30PM-8:00PM. Kdg Orientation at 6:30PM and 6th Grade Orientation at 7pm in the gym. MS/HS student locker number assignments will be posted throughout the MS/HS wings. Student schedules/locker combinations will be taped to each student’s locker. Chromebooks and iPads will be placed inside individual student lockers. Several stations in the cafeteria or central office will be set up for parents to take care of the following items: Athletic Passes, Student Course Fee Payments, and Student Lunch Payments. Please see the August Wildcat Word for more information.
5 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Local School District
5 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Local School District
Attention Parents of students in grades Kdg-8: Elementary & middle school grade level supply lists are available. Please see the attached list.
5 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Local School District
PaySchools Central is now available to all parents: Parents may take care of Lunch Balances, Grade Level Fees, & Free/Reduced Applications in PaySchools. In-person grade level fee payments may be made at the school on the following dates/times: Tuesday 8/13 & Wednesday 8/14 8:30–11:30am & 1:00–3:00pm; Thursday 8/15 6:30–8:00pm.
5 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Local School District
Please remember to sign Final Forms ASAP. Many students are having difficulties logging in to sign . When you log in, you need to use your school email, but the password is not the same as your Google password. If you have forgotten what it is, you need to click "forgot password" and you will be sent another.
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
The soccer alumni game will be on Sunday, August 4th at 6:00 PM on the practice field. The girls will play the first half and the boys will play the second. All Miller City Alumni are welcome!
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
There will be a short Fall Sports Meeting for junior high and high school parents participating in school sanctioned sports (not rec soccer) on July 31st at 6PM in the school cafeteria. We will briefly discuss the new messaging system and the upcoming sports seasons.
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
Please remember that physicals must be turned in to your coach, dropped off at school, or uploaded to Final Forms by August 1st. Also, all parents and students need to check the appropriate sports of participation and sign Final Forms.
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
Fall Sports Pictures will be on August 2nd beginning at 7:30 AM. We will begin outside with the golf teams followed by cross country, boys and girls soccer, and will finish with the HS and JH volleyball teams in the gym.
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
Check out the Miller City Girl Soccer team's Spiritwear and support the Lady Wildcats!
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
Miller City is hosting the Challenger Soccer Camp next week for Putnam County and we are looking for a host family or two to accommodate the two coaches. If you are interested, please contact Joe from Challenger at 678-782-162 3.
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
The soccer alumni game will be on Sunday, August 4th at 6:00 PM on the practice field. The girls will play the first half and the boys will play the second. All Miller City Alumni are welcome!
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
Miller City Golf Spiritwear is now available! Get some gear and support the Wildcats!
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
Boys' Soccer Spiritwear is now available! Get your gear and support your Wildcats!
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
There is still time to sign up for next week's Challenger Camp at Miller City!
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department
There is still time to sign up for junior high and high school cross country if you have not already. Please sign up by Wednesday, July 24th.
6 months ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Athletic Department