Congratulations to Anna Keeler for her performance with The All-State High School Chorus this past Saturday. Anna auditioned in May for this prestegious opportunity. The performace took place at the 2024 Ohio Music Education Associaiton Professional Development Conference in Columbus. Thanks Anna for representing MC in such an awesome way! Go Wildcats!
about 1 year ago, Robbie Lucas
AK 2
All State High School Choir
HS Quiz Bowl Score Wed Feb 7
about 1 year ago, Robbie Lucas
MC vs OG 2.7
Schools have received information that the FAFSA's you have been filing, will now not get to the colleges until mid-March. (There was an issue at the federal level with calculations and that is causing the delay as they fix it). This will likely push back when the colleges are able to send you the financial aid packages. Financial aid folks and colleges are not at fault with this. They have no control in the matter and they are just waiting patiently for the problems to be fixed. In the mean time, just know this is a nationwide issue at the moment and please be patient with your colleges. They are doing the best they can. If you have not yet completed your FAFSA and intend to go to college in the fall, please do not wait and complete it ASAP. Thanks!
about 1 year ago, Augusta Niese
Kindergarten Registration will be Thursday, February 8 at 6:00pm in the School Cafeteria. Please fill out the required forms in Final Forms before that evening. The link can be found below. If you have other children in school you can log in and select the big box at the top to change to next school year. If you do not have any other children in school you will need to create your account and then log in to add a student. If you have complications with this, we can assist you the evening of February 8th. Please bring a copy of your child's birth certificate (not the hospital issued certificate) and a copy of their immunization record. Mr. Pester will have a few things to go over that evening, but it should not take very long. Kindergarten screening will be Wednesday, April 24th. You can sign up for a time slot at the registration meeting.
about 1 year ago, Miller City - New Cleveland Local School District
Youth Basketball Sunday League Pizza gathering at sportsman club 2/5/24 tomorrow 5pm-7pm.
about 1 year ago, Miller City - New Cleveland Local School District
Miller City has been well represented at this year's Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) Professional Development Conference. Tonight in Columbus at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom, Michael K., Jaecee S., and Aubrey L. performed with the All-State Children's Chorus. 140+ students were selected from the elementary schools in Ohio to perform. They sounded amazing! Congratulations! Anna K. will be performing yet this weekend also in the All-State High School Chorus. We will have another post on that as well.
about 1 year ago, Robbie Lucas
All state chorus
all state chorus MC Students
program front
Four students from the Miller City FFA traveled to The Ohio State University to attend the Food Science Career Development Event. The team competed at the state level against qualifying teams across the state. They demonstrated food science skills that they learned in class, as well as in the district competition. It was a very fun and successful time for all who participated.
about 1 year ago, MC FFA
FFA Food Science Team
Winter Wildcat Word is now available!
about 1 year ago, Miller City - New Cleveland Local School District
The Middle School Quiz Bowl team traveled to Ottoville with the High School team tonight. Here are some results. Thank you Mrs. Gable for organizing this opportunity for our middle school students! Great Job!
about 1 year ago, Robbie Lucas
MC MS vs Ottoville 1.31
HS Quiz Bowl Scores
about 1 year ago, Robbie Lucas
MC vs Ottoville 1.31
Order your strawberries today!
about 1 year ago, MC FFA
Order your strawberries today!
20 High School Band and Choir students participated in Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Event today at St. Mary's High School. They all performed their prepared music very successfully, earning high ratings. Great job music department representing our Wildcats!
about 1 year ago, Robbie Lucas
S&E HS Contest
Middle School Quarter 2 Honor Roll
about 1 year ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Local School District
MS Quarter 2 All A's Honor Roll
MS Quarter 2 Hall of Fame Honor Roll
MS Quarter 2 Honor Rolll
A special thank you to Judge Schierloh, Judge Niese, the county Commissioner's office, and the Putnam County Sheriff's office for hosting our junior class as they learned about the judicial system. Thank you for taking the time to talk to our students!
about 1 year ago, Augusta Niese
High School Quarter 2 Honor Roll
about 1 year ago, Miller City-New Cleveland Local School District
HS Quarter 2 All A's Honor Roll
HS Quarter 2 Hall of Fame Honor Roll
HS Quarter 2 Honor Roll
Miller City School is closed today. 1/23/24
about 1 year ago, Miller City - New Cleveland Local School District
Check out our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. 
 Download for Android
 Download for iPhone
about 1 year ago, MCNC Local Schools
t's everything Miller City-New Cleveland District, in your pocket. 

The next Parent Project Sr. class is scheduled for February 6th – March 26th at the New Creation Lutheran Church in Ottawa. This class is free and is for parents, grandparents and guardians of children ages 11-18. There will also be a teen component!
about 1 year ago, Augusta Niese
parent project
Miller City School is Closed Today 1/16/24
about 1 year ago, Miller City - New Cleveland Local School District
Miller City-New Cleveland School will be on a 2 hour delay today (1/16/24)
about 1 year ago, Miller City - New Cleveland Local School District